This program is designed for those students who are not achieving up to their potential. This may be demonstrated through poor academic performance, poor attendance, disciplinary problems, or other factors such as limited English proficiency, substance abuse, child abuse or pregnancy. Academic activities including skills assessment and enrichment courses are teamed with intensive, small-group support services such as counseling and tutoring, which are offered at local schools and at SCCC. This combination provides a nurturing environment that builds self-esteem as it prepares students for completing secondary school and entering post-secondary education.
The project targets students in grades 7 through 12 who are identified as "at risk." LPP students participate in a minimum of two hours of skills assessment, course work, homework clinics, individualized counseling and tutoring per week at their schools. In addition, weekly preventive, career, personal and family counseling sessions are a vital part of the project. An extensive mentoring program provides "at risk" students with positive role models from the college, the school district local community group, government, business and industry. Field trips, internships, part-time employment and camp experiences complete the program.
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