The college continues to closely monitor conditions in eastern Suffolk County and will immediately update the college community should fire threaten college operations or safe access to the college.
These are courses that are fully online: with no face to face class meetings.
Class Schedule listing as ‘Online-Desire2Learn-D2L Instructional Method.’

Online courses are only accessible only on the Internet. You must own or have access to a computer or pad that has a browser application and a connection to the internet. Online courses are neither time nor place bound. You may work at your own pace at any time of the day or night. This is referred to as asyncrhonous learning.

As with any class you must pay close attention to deadlines in order to complete the course successfully. Most instructors require you to log in and complete assignments and participation one or more times each week. Make sure to check online and read your course requirements at the earliest opportunity. You will receive assignments, turning these in, and discussions with your instructor and your fellow students online.


These are courses that have both face to face and online instruction.
Class Schedule Listing as ‘Blended/Hybrid-Class w/ D2L Instructional Method.’

Blended/hybrid courses combine on-campus meetings with your instructor and classmates along with online coursework. The online course component is accessible only on the Internet. You must own or have access to a computer or pad that has a browser application and a connection to the internet. Online courses are neither time nor place bound. You may work at your own pace at any time of the day or night. As with any class you must pay close attention to deadlines in order to complete the course successfully.  These courses have both asynchronous and synchronous components.


These courses are lecture courses that use Distance Learning Classrooms  on each campus using Video Conference Displays.
Class Schedule listing as ‘Distance Learning Classroom Instructional Method.’

Distance learning classroom courses are offered simultaneously at SCCC's three campuses in specially equipped high-tech classrooms. The instructor teaches over live interactive video from one campus while students take the course at any of the three campuses. Your commuting time between the campuses is eliminated.  These courses are considered to be a synchronous or real-time mode of learning.