Counseling Centers
The Counseling Centers at Suffolk County Community College assist all students in defining and accomplishing personal, academic, and career goals. The staff is guided by a belief in the dignity, worth, and uniqueness of each individual. By providing a confidential atmosphere conducive to openness, self-exploration, and change, counselors work with students to foster growth, independence, and self-esteem. All of our efforts are ultimately to assist students in realizing their fullest potential.
Specific counseling services for students include:
- Academic and Educational Counseling
- Career Counseling
- Transfer and Career Information Center
- Personal Growth Workshops
- Personal Counseling
- Mental Health Community Resources
Statement on Confidentiality
All information about a student's counseling is confidential, except when there is a court order or subpoena or in situations where there is imminent danger to life (i.e., including suicide and the neglect or abuse of a child or elderly person). Therefore, except as noted above, the Counseling Center's policy prohibits the release of any personal information concerning a student without the student's explicit and informed written authorization. Note, however, that consultation may occur among Counseling Center staff and with the Health Services Office when coordination of services is needed.
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