













AAS Accounting (Career Option) A E G ACCT-AAS Both
AS Accounting (Transfer Option) A E G ACCT-AS Both
CERT Accounting Certificate A E G ACCT-CERT Both
AAS American Sign Language ‡
American Sign Language Studies Sequence A ASL-SD-AAS Eve
AAS Automotive Service Specialist A AUTO-AAS Day
AAS Business Administration
Business Administration Online A E G BUAO-AAS Both
Career Option A E G BUAD-AAS Both
AS Business Administration (Transfer Option) A E G BUAS-AS Both
CERT Business: Business Management Certificate A E G BUMG-CERT Both
AAS Business: Marketing G BUMK-AAS Both
AAS Business: Office Management A E† G BUOM-AAS Both
AAS Business: Retail Business Management A BURM-AAS Both
CERT Business: Retail Management Certificate A BURM-CERT Both
AAS Chemical Dependency Counseling G CHDPE-AAS Eve
AAS Chemical Dependency Counseling G CHDPD-AAS Day
AA Communication Studies A E G COST-AA Both
AA Communications and Media Arts: Journalism A COMA-AA Day
AAS Computer Art E COAR-AAS Both
AS Computer Science A COSC-AS Both
AAS Construction Technology - Architectural Technology A CTAT-AAS Both
AS Criminal Justice A E G CRJU-AS Both
CERT Criminal Justice: Police Administration Certificate G CJPA-CERT Both
AAS Culinary Arts/Baking and Pastry Arts E CUBP-AAS Day
CERT Culinary Arts/Baking and Pastry Arts Certificate E CUBP-CERT Day
AAS Culinary Arts/Restaurant Management E CURM-AAS Day
CERT Culinary Arts/Restaurant Management Certificate E CURM-CERT Day
AAS Design Fashion: Interior Design E INDA-AAS Both
AAS Dietetic Technician E DIET-AAS Day
CERT Drafting - CAD Certificate A DRFT-CERT Both
AAS Early Childhood A E G EACH-AAS Both
AS Early Childhood A E G ECAS-AS Both
AAS Electrical Technology: Electronics A ELTC-AAS Both
AAS Emergency Medical Technician: Paramedic A PARM-AAS Day
AS Engineering Science A ENSC-AS Eve
AAS Fire Protection Technology A FRPT-AAS Eve
CERT Fire Protection Technology Certificate A FRPT-CERT Eve
AS Fitness Specialist A FTSP-AS Both
AAS Graphic Design E GRDS-AAS Day
AAS Health Information Technology/Medical Records G HEIT-AAS Day
AAS Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration G HVAC-AAS Eve
CERT Heating, Ventilation, AC & Refrigeration Certificate G HVAC-CERT Eve
AAS Hotel and Resort Management E HRMN-AAS Day
CERT Hotel and Resort Management Certificate E HRMN-CERT Day
AS Human Services A HUSR-AS Day
AAS Information Technology
Computer Information Systems Option A E G ITIS-AAS Both
Internet/Web Development Option A E G ITIW-AAS Both
Network Design and Administration Option A E G ITND-AAS Both
CERT Information Technology Certificate
Computer Information Systems Option A E G ITIS-CERT Both
Internet/Web Development Option A E G ITIW-CERT Both
Network Design and Administration Option A E G ITND-CERT Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - Adolescence Education
Biology * A E G AEBA-AA Both
Biology * A E G AEBE-AA Both
English * A E G AEEE-AA Both
History (Social Studies) * A E G AEHE-AA Both
Mathematics * A E G AEMA-AA Both
Mathematics * A E G AEME-AA Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - Education (Child Study) * A E G EDCS-AA Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - General
General Studies A E G LAGS-AA Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - Humanities
Cinema Studies Option A LACS-AA Both
Creative Writing Option A LACW-AA Both
English Option A LAEG-AA Both
Foreign Language Option A LAFL-AA Both
Philosophy Option A LAPL-AA Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - International Studies
Business Option A E G LAIS-AA Both
Humanities Option A E G LAIS-AA Both
Social Science Option A E G LAIS-AA Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - Mathematics A LAMA-AA Both
AS Liberal Arts & Sciences - Sciences ‡
Biology Option A E† G† LABI-AS Both
Chemistry Option A LASC-AS Both
Earth & Space Science/Geology Option A LAGE-AS Both
Earth & Space Science/Meteorology Option A LAME-AS Both
Earth and Space Science/Astronomy Option A LAAS-AS Both
Environmental Science/Forestry Option A E† G† LAFR-AS Both
Physics Option A LAPH-AS Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - Social Sciences ‡
History Option A G LASH-AA Both
Political Science Option A G LASS-AA Both
Psychology Option A G LASP-AA Both
Sociology/Anthropology Option A G LASA-AA Both
AA Liberal Arts & Sciences - Women's Studies A LAWS-AA Both
AAS Manufacturing Technology G MFTY-AAS Both
AS Music A MUSC-AS Day
AAS Nursing Evening at Ammerman A NURS3-AAS Eve
AAS Nursing Day at Ammerman A NURS1-AAS Day
AAS Nursing Day at Grant G NURS4-AAS Day
AAS Nursing Evening at Grant G NURS6-AAS Eve
AAS Nursing from LPN G NURS5-AAS Day
AAS Nursing from LPN A NURS2-AAS Day
AAS Occupational Therapy Assistant G OCTA-AAS Day
AAS Paralegal Studies A G PALG-AAS Both
CERT Paralegal Studies Certificate A G PALG-CERT Both
AAS Photographic Imaging E G PHOT-AAS Both
AAS Physical Therapist Assistant A PHTA-AAS Day
CERT Practical Nursing Certificate E NUPN-CERT Day
AAS Radio & Television Production A RATV-AAS Day
AAS Telecommunications Technology ‡
Verizon Option A TETE-AAS Day
AS Theatre Arts
Acting Option A THAC-AS Day
General Theatre Option A THGT-AS Day
Technical Theatre Option A THTT-AS Day
AAS Veterinary Science Technology G VETSD-AAS Day
AAS Veterinary Science Technology G VETSE-AAS Eve
AS Visual Arts A G VART-AS Both