Dear Students:

On behalf of the Division of Student Affairs, I welcome you to Suffolk County Community College. I’d like you to know that everyone here is passionate about student engagement and success. We already know that the best way to make sure that happens is to provide you with lots of opportunities when it comes to student activities and support services. Making choices to participate in experiences that interest you, will quickly get you involved in the life of the college and help you start making friends right away.

National surveys of student engagement show that student success is directly linked to student involvement. I encourage you to get to know the campus activities staff, whose focus is on ensuring that our campus programs help our students continue to be recognized locally and nationally as being among the very best. Through multicultural and social events, leadership development opportunities, student empowerment and advocacy, we look forward to seeing you grow as a student leader, try out for one of our NJCAA or intramural sports teams, find an internship through Career Services, join student government, sing in our choir, perform/work on a theatrical production or write for one of our student publications. The College has hundreds of clubs and organizations many of which are advised by faculty members, and part of our philosophy is, if there is something, you don’t see that you wish we had, go ahead and launch it yourself—that’s a learning experience too! I welcome hearing your suggestions as we work together to build upon the College’s already vibrant student life options.

Suffolk County Community College and the Division of Student Affairs have a history of being innovative and taking the lead in areas that positively impact on the lives of our students and the community. I am proud of that heritage, and I am dedicated to seeing it continue. I look forward to every opportunity to interact with the members of our student body and am committed to assuring that the delivery of student services occurs in accordance with our institutional goals, College policies and professional standards.

Please take advantage of the numerous opportunities to get involved. My colleagues and I look forward to meeting you and getting to know you. Should you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact me or stop by the Office of Campus Activities and Leadership Development at your home campus:

Ammerman Campus           Babylon Student Center 100, 451-4376

Eastern Campus                  Peconic Building 119, 548-2522

Michael J. Grant Campus    Captree Commons 110, 851-6702


Dr. Christopher J. Adams

Vice President for Student Affairs

Vice President Adams

Vice President for Student Affairs