
No claim is made as to the reliability of any information or service contained on these sites. Neither the Webmaster nor the Health Services Offices at Suffolk County Community College recommend or advise the use of any of these sites. These health links are for educational and informational purposes only, and should not be used as a substitute for consulting or visiting a health care provider.


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    Mental Health and Suicide Prevention

    Office of Mental Health

    Provides mental health information and resources.

    Response of Suffolk County

    Provides information about the crisis intervention and suicide prevention hotline.

    Renfrew Center for Eating Disorders

    Provides information and resources for eating disorders.

    Suicide Prevention Hotline

    Helps individuals in suicidal crisis and contacts the nearest suicide prevention mental health provider.


    Drug and Alcohol

    Long Island Prevention Resource Center Promoting Substance Abuse prevention, reducing risk and connecting communities.
    Long Island Council on Alcohol and Drug Dependence Provides education, prevention and support for those with drug and alcohol dependence.
    Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Provides education and resources on mental health and substance abuse issues.

    Smoking Cessation

    New York State Quit Line

    Provides facts and tips to help you stop smoking, coaching, and free Medication.

    Suffolk County Smoking Cessation

    Provides free smoking cessation classes.

    Tobacco Action Coalition

    Provides education, support, and referrals to assist you in quitting smoking.


    Sexual Health

    Long Island Association for AIDS Care Promotes education, free STD/HIV testing and referrals also substance abuse prevention.
    Planned Parenthood Hudson Peconic Promotes family planning, safe sex, STD/HIV testing and birth control, charges on a sliding scale.
    Thursday's Child of Long Island Advocates HIV prevention, free testing, and referrals.

    Domestic Violence

    Long Island against Domestic Violence Dedicated to assisting victims of domestic violence providing a range of services.
    Victims Information Bureau of Suffolk Offers support, referrals, emergency room companions, and many other services.

    LGBTQ Health

    Bias Help Dedicated to preventing and addressing discrimination, offers support, counseling, and legal assistance.
    LGBTQ Helpline Free confidential toll-free hotline offering coming out help and more.
    Need Health Coverage? Free help for the LGBTQ community trying to obtain health insurance.
    The LGBT Network LGBT provides support, counseling, free STD/HIV testing, and a help line.
    The Callen-Lorde Health Center Provides sensitive quality healthcare to New York’s LGBTQ community regardless of ability to pay.
    The Trevor Project Focused on suicide prevention efforts among the LGBTQ community.