The college continues to closely monitor conditions in eastern Suffolk County and will immediately update the college community should fire threaten college operations or safe access to the college.
Passwords are your personal information for access to MySCCC and must follow guidelines created to help insure security. When creating or changing passwords: - Think of a password, which contains both letters and numbers. - Make the password at least 8 characters long and does not contain your first or last name. - Make at least one of the letters upper case. Make sure that some are still lower case letters. Remember that you cannot change your password to one you have previously used. Optional: For a more secure password, include one or more of these characters: = - # % ^ *
The Adjunct Services website can be found in MySCCC under Academics~Faculty~Faculty Quicklinks.
Email is the official form of communication throughout the College and a condition of employment. Important information is delivered regarding all aspects of employment not limited to: Assignments (NORA form) and deadlines, accepting assignments, course certifications, promotion information and professional development programs. It is also used to access your class rosters, submit enrollment and/or grade rosters. It is imperative that you consistently check and clean out your email account in order to keep it functioning. If you have any computer issues please contact the Computer Center at (631) 451-4357.
To access your email account log onto “MySCCC”. Your Email tab is the last tab on right or select OWA below. If you have any computer issues please contact the Computer Center at (631) 451-HELP.
Outlook Web Access (OWA)
Under Quicklinks choose Public Safety or use the link below.
Public Safety
Employees at Suffolk County Community College are paid biweekly. During the Fall and Spring semesters there are seven pay periods. For Winter session and the five week Summer session one paycheck will be issued. The eight week Summer session will be paid over two pay periods.
The photo ID is a mandatory condition of employment. The Board of Trustees adopted a College policy that all College employees must have an official College photo ID with them at all times while they are working.
Photo ID Locations Ammerman Campus - Selden Ammerman Building - Registrar’s Office (451-4004) located downstairs Monday through Thursday 9am – 6pm, Friday 9am to 4:45pm. Eastern Campus – Riverhead Peconic Building – Room 119 (548-3636) – call first - Monday – Thursday 9am to 9pm, Friday 9am to 5 pm. Michael J. Grant Campus – Brentwood North Cottage – (851-6777) – Monday – Friday 8am to 8pm.
Failure to submit your NORA by the deadline date will result in loss of seniority for the coming semester regardless of your current seniority position. If you wish to be placed on the NORA late list, contact Michele Fitzpatrick at using your SCCC email account. You will need to include your rank,(instructor, PA, etc.), the discipline in which you teach, campus preferences in preference order, days and times of your availability and whether you would be interested in a second assignment. According to the assignment rules every adjunct who submitted their NORA form on time is entitled to two assignments before anyone on the late list gets one assignment. No matter what your seniority rank may be, if you did not submit your NORA on time you will not be considered for an assignment until that rule has been satisfied.
Yes,each adjunct with three (3) or more semesters of SCCC experience that is teaching/working two or more contact hours per semester is eligible to apply for reimbursement from the Adjunct Professional Development Fund. This fund consists of $20,000 (per FA contract) for the use by adjuncts for professional conferences. Eligible adjuncts can be reimbursed for expenses up to $750 per year. Funds are subject to approval and distributed on a first come, first serve basis. You must submit and receive approval of a Request for Reimbursement application before attending a conference of spending money for professional purposes. Without prior approval you may not be reimbursed. Forms and guidelines are available on the College’s “Adjunct Faculty Services” website. All original receipts and forms required for reimbursement must be submitted for payment within 90 days of the conference date. Failure to submit this documentation will forfeit your right for reimbursement. All original receipts for the conference such as: brochures, agendas, badges, boarding passes, tolls, etc. must be submitted in order to be reimbursed. Adjuncts requesting conference attendance reimbursement must be working during the semester that the conference is being held. Applicant must also submit Mileage Reimbursement form if mileage is within Suffolk County. Forms are to be submitted to the Office for Faculty and Professional Advancement, Suffolk County Community College, 533 College Road, Smithtown Science Bldg., Room 100, Selden, NY 11784. If you have any questions about conference attendance please contact Donna Krompinger at (631)451-4307 or
Adjunct Faculty shall be permitted to take two absences per course per semester without loss of pay for illness or disability. Unless the course meets only once per week and,in such case, only one absence per course per semester shall be paid for.
Nearly half of this country's college students enroll in a community college. After transferring to a four-year college, the majority will perform better academically than the students who started at four-year colleges.
You can apply online or you can download the application and mail it. You will need to submit a non-refundable application fee of $40 along with your application. You must also submit your high school final transcript and your immunization records.
Absolutely! Suffolk's course credits are accepted at virtually every four-year college and university in the country. Students who complete a transfer degree program (A.A. or A.S.) will generally find that all their courses are accepted for transfer credit. Students who complete a specialized degree program (A.A.S.) or who transfer before completing a degree will generally have their courses evaluated for transfer credit on a course-by-course basis.
Yes. Suffolk competes in Region XV of the NJCAA (National Junior College Athletics Association). Suffolk offers intercollegiate baseball, basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, golf, soccer, tennis and volleyball for men. Women compete in basketball, cheerleading, cross-country, equestrian, softball, tennis and volleyball.
Students have the opportunity to gain leadership skills by getting involved with student government, Campus Activity Board, the student newspaper and literary magazine, as well as an array of almost 90 clubs and organizations.
The average class size at Suffolk County Community College is 30 to 40 students. This is unlike the lecture hall environment at many four-year colleges and universities that often have 200 to 400 students in each class.
Yes. We have disability specialists on each campus. Students have the option of self-reporting their disability when applying to the college. We contact students with disabilities before they enroll to assure that they have the appropriate individualized assistance.
Yes, child care is available on the Ammerman Campus and the Michael J. Grant Campus for children from six weeks to five years of age.
Yes, if you have achieved college-level learning in your life and work activities, you may receive credit. Life experience credit is assessed by the college by means of examinations and portfolio evaluation.
Yes, you can! Suffolk can help you in one of several ways. Take a look at the special information for students without a high school diploma on this website.
Never! You will find students of all ages and interests attending SCCC, and there are plenty of people here to help you get started.
Yes, even if you attended another college, have your transcripts from both college and high school sent to Suffolk County Community College Central Admissions Office, Annex Building, Room 111, 533 College Road Selden, NY 11784-2899
We have many students currently working on campus. Some qualify for the College Work Study program; others can work as student ambassadors. Students also find employment in offices on all three campuses.
To change a curriculum to a non-matriculated curriculum, a form may be obtained from the Registrar’s office, Records Change Form. To change a curriculum to a restricted curriculum, a form may be obtained from Admissions, Readmission/Change of Emphasis form.
Being undecided and searching for a career can be exciting but scary. Try telling yourself that you are just beginning your journey into discovering who you are, what you want to do, and where you want to go. While the answers may not come easily, you can begin by making full use of the resources available to you at Suffolk. Start by checking out the Career Planning Process in this Web site. Then, make an appointment with a career counselor to learn more about your interests, values, and abilities and discuss your educational and career plans.
Career Planning Process
The career services/cooperative education office on your campus can help in a variety of ways. Professional staff is available to discuss your qualifications, skills, interests, and general career direction. They can help you determine the type of job you are looking for and help you become aware of appropriate job opportunities. In addition, they can help you develop your skills in such areas as résumé writing, interviewing, and job search strategies.
A wonderful way to gain experience related to your major is through a cooperative education or internship program. These programs offer you an opportunity to gain work experience in your field of study, earn academic credit, and, in the case of cooperative education, even get paid. Check out the Cooperative Education and Internship section for additional information.
Cooperative Education and Internships
You can find employment on campus in one of several ways. First, if you qualify for financial aid and have been given a Federal Work-Study award, you will be able to find a position in a campus office or department. You can also contact the private vendors who run the bookstore and the cafeteria and apply for a part-time job directly through them. In addition, it is not uncommon for academic departments, learning centers, and administrative offices to hire students, either as tutors or student aides. Check with your campus Career Services office for more information.
The professional staff in the Career Services/Cooperative Education Office can help you develop a résumé that presents your education, skills, and experiences in the best possible way. Whether you are looking for a job now or want to update your résumé for future use, it's best to give it that marketable edge. Check out the résumé links in the Conducting Your Job Search section, and then schedule an appointment to meet with a counselor today.
Conducting Your Job Search
You may ask questions at any campus Cashier Office, or you may refer to other portions of this Web site. Cashier Offices are located in the Ammerman Building at the Ammerman campus, Caumsett Hall at the Grant campus and the Peconic Building at the Eastern campus.
Payment is the final step in registration. Your registration is complete only if you have done the following:
  1. fully paid your tuition and fees;
  2. joined the Tuition Payment Plan (TPP);
  3. arranged for an approved third party to cover your charges;
  4. made specific arrangements to settle your account with the college; OR
  5. confirmed your attendance on the Web if your financial aid covered your entire balance.
Late registration begins one week prior to the first day of the session. If you register late you will be charged a $30.00 late fee.
In order to start classes, you must do one of the following by your payment due date:
  • pay your total balance due; or
  • sign up for the Tuition Payment Plan which requires you to pay a fee plus one-third of your tuition; or
  • if financial aid covers all of your tuition, confirm your attendance on the Web no later than the due date on your bill.
You must pay your bill by the due date printed on the bill. Otherwise, you will lose your schedule.
  • Use the My SCCC icon above; or
  • by mail, to the address indicated on the bill; or
  • at any of the campus Cashier Offices.
If you qualify, the TPP allows you to pay your bill in three installments. You will be charged a $50.00 non-refundable fee to use the TPP. Students who miss the second and third payments are charged a $30.00 late fee for each missed payment. You can sign up for the TPP by mail, at the college Web site or by visiting any campus Cashier's Office.
Tuition Payment Plan
Students who owe the college more than the cost of three credits are allowed to use the TPP for the spring and fall semesters only. The TPP cannot be used for non-credit courses. The TPP rules are on the back of your bill. The front of the bill shows the amount you must pay to sign up for the TPP.
Tuition Payment Plan
You are responsible for ALL tuition and fee charges. Even if another (third) party has agreed to accept your entire liability, if they don't pay, you are still liable.
You can use other funds to cover your tuition and fee payments if you have valid documentation. This documentation may include financial aid awards, scholarships, and agreements from third-party agencies who guarantee your payment. Documentation from the third-party agency which states that the agency will pay all or part of your bill must be brought to the Business Office. The campus business officer will make the determination to accept or reject the deferral. The college will accept a third-party agreement only if there are no grade or attendance conditions specified. If the third party doesn't pay the College, you are responsible for payment.
If the balance printed on your bill says "$0" (zero) it means EITHER you paid your bill in full OR financial aid has fully covered your charges. If financial aid has covered your charges, then you must confirm your attendance on My SCCC no later than the due date listed on your bill.
Access Your Records
If your financial aid has been approved, your bill will reflect your award. If you received an award notice but there is no financial aid credit on your bill, you must contact your campus Financial Aid Office.
Financial Aid Offices
If an award was made, it will be posted to your account and will be reflected on your bill. If the award was not received in time, it will not appear on the bill. If you were notified that you received a scholarship and it is not appearing on your bill, you must contact the office that notified you of the scholarship.
View Additional Information
View Additional Information
If your charges go down, a refund check will be mailed to you sometime after the third week of the semester. If your charges go up, you will receive a bill for additional monies owed.
View Additional Information
View Additional Information
Refunds are determined by the start date of the session, not the date of the classes you take, the length of the class, and whether or not fees are refundable. Non-refundable fees are NOT refundable once school starts; refundable fees are.

For classes more than eight weeks long, 100 percent of tuition and refundable fees are refunded before the start of the session. After that, 75 percent is refunded in the first seven calendar days (days 1-7); 50 percent is refunded in the next seven days (days 8-14); and 25 percent is refunded in the following seven (days 15-21) days. After that, there are no refunds.

For classes eight weeks long or less, 100 percent is refunded before the start of class and 25 percent is refunded in the next seven calendar days (days 1-7). The only exception to this is for a class that is less than one week in length, where students must withdraw before the first meeting in order to receive a refund.
Refund Policy

No. Only some fees are refundable.
Refund Policy
You will be charged late payment fees of $30 each time you don't pay your bill. This can get expensive, so you are strongly advised to pay your bills. At the end of the semester, you will receive a final demand for payment letter. If you do not pay after receiving this notice, your account will be referred to the College collection agency for action. In addition, you will have a hold placed on your records, and will be blocked from registering for a future semester.
If your account is referred to a collection agency, your amount due will increase to cover the collection agency charges, fees, interest assessments and other costs associated with collection activity.
Your child may be picked up only by the people that you have authorized in writing, and are listed in our files, to do so.
Breakfast, lunch, and snacks are provided for all children by the center. We serve balanced, nutritious meals and snacks. Parents of infants may provide their own formula and baby food or choose to use ours.
Our lunch is prepared by the campus cafeteria and transported in certified carriers to the center. Breakfast and snacks, which are usually foods that require no cooking (e.g., cereal, milk, fresh fruit, etc.), are provided by the center.
Parents need to supply diapers (not pull-ups) for their child and a small box of wipes labeled with their child's name.
All children in the group are required to go out together as part of the day's planned activities. We go outdoors to play every day except during rainy or frigid weather.
Children who attend the center must be free of communicable disease and be able to fully participate in our program. Therefore, children who are sick must stay at home until well.
Children are welcome to share books, tapes or curriculum materials with their friends; however, children should leave their toys at home. Infants and toddlers who are experiencing separation anxiety may bring something comforting from home to ease their transition.
Our centers offer a complete program of daily activities designed to enhance the physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of each child in an age-appropriate environment.
You should try to enroll your child as soon as you have registered for classes for the next semester. Children who are currently enrolled in our centers are given priority during the priority registration period. Following this two-week period, enrollment is on a first come, first served basis.
Children under the age of three do not need to be toilet trained. When your child enters the older groups (i.e., 3-5 year olds), it is necessary to be toilet trained.
Our centers always maintain the state-required ratios and often exceed what is required. In the infants and toddler rooms (i.e., children under the age of three), the ratio is 4:1, or 5:1 for a group of 10. In the older groups (i.e., 3-5 year olds), the ratio is 8:1.
We make every effort to help parents customize their schedules in order to meet their educational and personal needs, although a three-hour per day minimum is required. Our goal is to work out a schedule that will help you succeed in your classes and graduate.
The director has access to your schedule and will be able to contact you in class. If we are unable to contact you, we will call the emergency numbers that you have provided when enrolling your child. If there is an emergency and we cannot find you or your contacts, the director of the center will take the appropriate action as explained in the Parent's Handbook.
Parent's Handbook
All center staff are fingerprinted and cleared by the New York State Clearance Board. In addition, the director also carefully checks references from previous employment. New employees are on probation for the first six months, and all employees are supervised and evaluated on a regular basis.
Although monetary compensation is appreciated, this program is meant to provide a learning experience while earning credit. The college is mindful of the guidelines for Fair Labor Standards for Internship Programs as established by the U.S. Department of Labor. Pay is determined by the employer and often depends on the level and type of skills required. Positions in many fields are unpaid. Always discuss pay before accepting any position.
The majority of students work within a 20-mile radius of school or home, but it may be necessary for you to travel further for the experience that suits you best. Some students travel into NYC, to Florida for the Disney co-op, or to Albany to work in the State Senate; we have had students as far as Sydney, Australia and Rabat, Morocco. The possibilities are endless, but only if you seek them out.
The co-ops/internships we offer are a reflection of what's going on in the world of work. They may be with companies, home-based businesses, government, schools, or other non-profit organizations. The degree of responsibility varies with each placement, depending on the needs of the employer as well as the your skills, maturity, and academic background. The description of your experience should be discussed before accepting the offer.
The majority of students attending Suffolk are employed, so most of our students are in this situation. Remember, since this is a credit-bearing course it is considered part of your course load; therefore, you can schedule the time needed as you would for any other course. The time you spend in the field is in place of additional class time, research, testing etc. In addition, the employers who hire our co-op and internship students understand that being a student comes first so, except in certain situations, they are generally willing to work around your school schedule. Please be aware that blocks of time of 4-5 hours are preferred by most employers.
The seminar gives students the opportunity to thoroughly evaluate their learning experience and their performance on the job, to develop workplace skills in such areas as communications and problem solving, and to learn from the experiences of their classmates. In addition it keeps students directly connected to a faculty member from the program and provides support for issues and to promote professional development through faculty supervision and peer-to-peer support.
Class schedules differ for each program and campus and often change from one semester to the next. Check the schedule of classes for current days and times.
It is best to speak to the co-op representative on your home campus, or area faculty in your curriculum, well before enrolling in a co-op program (i.e., during priority registration would be the perfect time). Some of the classes will be blocked for enrollment until you have emailed to Be sure to include your name, student ID number and the designated course. This prescreening assures you that you are eligible, that you are in the right seminar, and that the co-op representative will have ample time to work with you to find the right experience.
Our students are sometimes asked to stay on for part-time or full-time work after completing the program. Many employers and students use the cooperative education or internship placement as an opportunity to check each other out to see if a long-term commitment is desirable. Once you have completed the course requirements and the semester is over, it's up to you and the employer to discuss the terms of any future employment. Employment after a co-op/internship experience is not guaranteed.
No, it is your responsibility to find an outside agency or psychologist that is qualified to do any psychoeducational testing that may be needed. Contact the disability services counselor on your home campus for a referral list.
Not automatically. Information about your disability or the services and accommodations you received in high school are not sent to Suffolk without your written authorization. Therefore, it is your responsibility to notify the disability services counselor that you are requesting accommodations, and then to provide the supporting documentation that is needed. After your documentation is reviewed, you will meet with the counselor to review the approved, reasonable and appropriate accommodations and services. You will be given a laminated letter to confirm your accommodations which must be shown to your professors in order to utilize the accommodations.
There are no special classes for students with disabilities. In addition, while certain accommodations and adjustments in the academic program are possible, all students, regardless of disability, must satisfy the essential academic requirements of their specific courses as well as their programs of study.
Special test-taking arrangements are limited to such things as extended time, a special location, an alternate testing format, use of a reader, etc. Proctors may not assist you with the content in any way.
No, the specific details and any personal information about your disability are considered confidential. However, your instructors will be notified that you have a documented disability and are therefore entitled to receive certain services and accommodations. In addition, you will be asked to give the disability services counselor permission to discuss the general nature of your disability with faculty as it relates to your academic progress.
Handicapped parking permits are available from your town office after showing proof of a physical disability and the necessary vehicle information. Temporary permits are also available from your town for disabilities lasting at least four weeks. For other temporary medical conditions that require special parking privileges, contact the Health Services Office on your home campus.
No, the information regarding your disability is a confidential matter. Your professors will be notified by letter that you have a disability and are entitled to certain services and accommodations. We suggest that you meet privately with your professors during their office hours to discuss how these services and accommodations will be provided, and to discuss any additional details that may be important to your academic success.
If you have been unsuccessful in trying to resolve the matter directly with the faculty member or other individual(s) involved, then you should contact the disability services counselor and/or the Dean of Student Services for an in-depth discussion of the situation. If the situation can still not be resolved to your satisfaction and you feel that your rights are being violated, you should contact the ADA compliance officer, the Executive Assistant to the President, for additional information about established grievance procedures.

Distance education is defined by Suffolk County Community College in its broadest context to be inclusive of those teaching/learning methodologies and strategies that are computer-based and technology-mediated. The basic premise of distance education is to allow students to participate in the learning process from a distant location and not necessarily in real time.

Synchronous distance learning classroom courses are, in fact, conducted in real-time and at more than one campus location.

Asynchronous courses are those in which the course content, assignments and all student/student or student/faculty interactions are conducted online via computer over the Internet.

Blended/Hybrid courses meet both on-campus and online during the semester.

Telecourses require class meetings on-campus and viewing of video materials independently. Distance learning courses, then, are intended for students who may find that distance education suits their learning needs or lifestyles better than traditional on-campus instruction and these courses are offered to ensure maximum accessibility to Suffolk County Community College’s extensive educational opportunities.

To view Distance Education Modalities (Course Types) refer to Online Education.

Distance Education courses are attractive options for individuals who are self-motivated and can work independently in a less structured learning environment. Distance Education courses are fully credited college courses. There is no difference in WHAT you are expected to learn. It is the WAY you learn that is different.

As with any college course, you should enroll in distance education courses only if you are serious about studying college-level material each week without leaving your home to come to campus. When taking a telecourse, for example, you are required to view all of the video lessons, complete all assignments (e.g., essay exams, research papers, etc.) and read all printed material. Many students report that distance education courses actually require MORE work than traditional on-campus courses. These same students also report that they learn just as much, if not more, from a distance education course.

Those who succeed as distance learners

- are highly motivated

- are independent

- are active learners

- have good organizational and time management skills

- have the discipline to study without external reminders

- can adapt to new learning environments

The above are precisely the qualities needed to succeed in any learning environment, but the distance learning context puts special pressures on learners to be both independent and self-disciplined. Success in fully online asynchronous courses, as example, depends on a combination of personal motivation, the ability to understand and use computer technology, self-direction in managing coursework deadlines, and a willingness to use solely the written word to communicate with both the instructor and classmates.
Admission and registration procedures for distance education courses are the same as for on-campus courses. Tuition, including fees, for education courses is the same as for all other courses. Consult the college catalog or Web site for these particulars.

For all distance education courses, there is an additional $75.00 fee.

For additional information on SCCC's distance education courses and programs go to the

Online Learning website

This depends on the modality of the course you are enrolled into. For further details please go to


All textbooks and supplies required for distance courses are available through the bookstores on the three campuses along with certain online-accessible materials.

Campus Bookstores

For Distance Education at SCCC, these are Contacts for information:

The content of distance education courses are equivalent to that of on-campus courses, and credits can be applied to SCCC degree programs. All of the policies and agreements pertaining to the transfer of credits to other institutions that are in place here at Suffolk apply equally to distance education and on-campus courses.

To conduct a search which may be limited to course or course type, such as a particular DE modality (online or blended), go to

Banner Schedule Search

See link below for services and resources available for distance education students and faculty.

Distance Education web site at SCCC

One word: NO!!

Have you received an eMail that wants you to supply personal info? PHISHING SCAM ALERT !!

Many of us have received emails in our college accounts (or at home) that seem to have been sent by an institution that needs personal information from us. It may be a "bank" saying your account has been compromised, a "college" asking you to confirm your email address, or a common service like PayPal or eBay telling you that your account is restricted and may be locked or deleted if you don't respond right away!

There's a good chance you are the target of phishing.

Phishing is an attempt by criminals hiding behind the "cloud" of the Internet to fool people into believing that are receiving real mail from a trusted institution. If you click the link in the email you will be brought to a real-looking page that starts by asking you to login to your account; or they might ask you to confirm your email by giving them your email password; or they might ask you for your social security number to "prove" who you are. If you comply, criminals may now have your real login, password and critical personal information

"Phishers" may actually go so far as to set up a site that looks like a real bank, financial, or other site you are familiar with. This is not as difficult as you might think. Because of the open nature of the web, it is no problem to copy a legitimate company's images and graphics from their real site. Someone who would steal your personal information for fraud is not going to worry about stealing some pictures.

This "site" will typically have links, such as a help link, home page, and others that link to the real company's own pages. They know you may click on some of these links in a quest to determine whether the swindler's page is the real deal. Don't be fooled!

Wikipedia article on Phishing
Details of "Citibank" Phishing Scam
FBI's Description of some newer phishing scams
It's easier than you might think. Never click a link in an email that leads to a login page. Never fill in information in a form that was emailed to you. Never open an attachment that you are not expecting to receive from a trusted person that you personally know who has informed you it is coming.

If you are presented with a login box on any page reached through an email link, don't use it! Better to go to the trouble of typing in the known URL (web address) of the institution and logging in from there.

Sometimes legitimate institutions you know will send you emails with "convenience" links to look at merchandise, check your account, see your bill. Should you click these? Ask yourself: Am I absolutely sure this is what I think it is? If you have even the slightest doubt, isn't it better to be safe than sorry?

If you receive a "scary" message that you are afraid might be real ("Your Hometown Bank account has been accessed by a person in a foreign country and money was withdrawn. If you did not authorize this transaction, access your account with the link below.") call your bank on the telephone with the phone number on your statement, or use the phone book. They will be happy to assist and may also want the information in the scam email.
This is an actual email that was received at SCCC mailboxes:

From: Wachovia Bank []
Sent: Tuesday, April 29, 2008 7:44 PM
To: [ Real name of SCCC recipient removed ]
Subject: secure confirmation. (Tue, 29 Apr 2008 16:43:04 -0800)

Dear Wachovia Bank customer,

We would like to inform you that we are currently carrying out scheduled maintenance.

In order to guarantee the high level of security to our business customers, we require you to complete "Wachovia Commercial Online Form".

Please complete Wachovia Commercial Online Form using the link below:

This is auto-generated email, please do not respond to this email.

There is only one "clue" that might give someone not alert to phishing pause: the rather odd grammar of "we require you to complete 'Wachovia Commercial Online Form'." where an English speaker might expect to see an article such as "the" or "our" before the name of the form.

However, suppose this "error" wasn't there? You can't be confident that an email trying to get information from you is real because it "looks right." This email seems to be from Wachovia bank according to the code in the links you can see. But links can be "spoofed" (counterfeited). If you could look at the code behind these "real" links you would see they don't link to Wachovia Bank at all.
There are several ways that your company can connect with our students. 1) You can schedule a date to recruit on campus during school hours; 2) you can post your job with Suffolk's Job Connection; 3) you can participate in employer events such as employer panels, guest speaker, and/or career/job fairs; and 4) you can partner with one of our cooperative education/internship programs and hire an intern.
The best way to post a job on campus is to utilize Suffolk's Job Connection. There are two ways to post: 1) you can go online to Suffolk's Job Connection and establish an employer profile using your email address a and newly created password, or 2) you can complete a Job Listing form and return it to our office and our staff will be glad to post it for you. There is no limit at this time on the number of job postings. There is also no fee for this service at this time. Posting the position on your own will avoid posting delays, due to high volume of postings.
Suffolk's Job Connection
No. All job announcements are required to go through the campus Career Services office.
Career Services Offices
Suffolk cannot send out an email blast for job requests that come to our offices due to the high volume of job opportunities we receive.
All Career Services offices will accept your job fair information flyer provided that there is a full name of the contact person, physical address and phone number. Without that information, we will not post in our office.
Career Services Offices
Please contact each Career Services office for assistance. Career and job fairs are usually held once a semester.
Career Services Offices
Yes, check with the Career Service office for more information.
Career Services Offices
Employers are welcome to contact the Career Services office to discuss opportunities for employer events and workshops.
Career Services Offices
Suffolk has a number of academic courses that are specifically tailored for interns and co-op opportunities. By contacting the Career Services office you can begin working with the co-op/internship professional staff to begin setting up the partnership. All co-op/internship opportunities will not automatically be approved for participation in our programs. Call for more information.
  1. For fast results, file a Free Application For Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) electronically on the Web at If this is your first time filing the FAFSA you will need to get a FSA ID to sign your FAFSA application. If you are dependent your parent will also need to get a FSA ID.
  2. A reminder notice will be mailed to continuing or transfer students who applied previously.
  3. Be sure to include Suffolk County Community College as your college choice on the FAFSA.

Your first step in applying for a student loan is filling out the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA). When the college receives your data from the Department of Education, some may be automatically awarded a Direct Loan. If your award package does not include a loan you can request a loan by filling out the "Loan Request/Adjustment Form" and submitting it to the campus Financial Aid Office. The form can be found on our site Select Financial Aid, next select Printable Forms, and there you will see the "Loan Request/Adjustment Form."

It can be either a subsidized loan (interest is paid by Department of Education while you are in school) or an unsubsidized loan (interest is added to the loan once the loan is disbursed), or both. If you are awarded both and you want a student loan, you must accept the subsidized loan first as it is in your best interest. Once you receive your award letter you will need to log on to the college web site at and accept or decline the award offer. If you are a first-time borrower you will need to complete an Entrance Interview and sign an electronic Master Promissory Note (E-MPN) at Once you complete these tasks the college will be notified and your loan request will be sent to the Department of Education for approval.
You can make corrections to your Student Aid Report on line at Enter the correct Title IV code: 002878 for the Ammerman Campus, 013204 for the Grant Campus, and 014153 for the Eastern Campus.
You can now print your tax return transcript online. Just log on to and select under "Tools" - Get Transcript of your Tax Records - and follow the directions. If you are unable to print your tax return transcript you can call 1-800-908-9946 to request a copy.
Please click on the link below "View Additional Information" to print out form 4506-T from the IRS website. Complete Lines 1-4 following instructions. Complete Line 7, select the checkbox on the right for Verification of non-filing. Complete Line 9, year or period request field for example 12/31/2015 for tax year 2015. Mail the 4506-T to the address: Internal Revenue Service, RAIVS Team, Stop 6705 P-6, Kansas City, MO 64999 Or fax it to: 855-821-0094
View Additional Information
  1. From the College home page, log on to "MYSCCC" by entering your username and password.
  2. Click on the "Students" tab.
  3. Click the "Web Pay" icon.
  4. Choose the semester you are confirming.
  5. Follow the directions until you see a page indicating:
    "Congratulations." PRINT THIS PAGE FOR YOUR RECORDS.
  6. If you need assistance contact your campus Financial Aid Office or campus Business Office.
After applying for financial aid with the FAFSA you will receive an email with a link to your Student Aid Report if you included a valid email address on your application. If you did not include an email address you will receive a paper Student Aid Report (SAR) with the results. If Suffolk County Community College was included on your application, we will receive those results electronically and you will receive an award or a request for additional information within 2 weeks.
A new tool, the IRS Data Retrieval tool, allows many applicants to transfer their, or their parents, tax information from the IRS. This helps speed the process for many applicants.
Suffolk awards over $450,000 a year in scholarships to new and continuing students. A scholarship search is available at, Financial Aid, Sources of Aid, Suffolk Grants and Scholarships.
Scholarships & Grants
Assistance is always available in understanding the various financial aid programs and with the application itself. The campus Financial Aid Offices provide individual counseling, group workshops, and scholarship searches. The Financial Aid Computer Lab is also available to help you file your applications electronically.
There are workshops available at each campus, including General Financial Aid Information, Completing the FAFSA and Completing the FAFSA on the Web, Scholarship Search and Exit Interview Sessions. Contact our office for more details.
No, your grants and or student loans will first be applied to your bill for tuition and fees and then the balance will be mailed to you directly by the Business Office. You should receive any loan proceeds in the first month of the semester and any remaining grant funds before mid-semester.
Students who receive a Pell Grant in excess of tuition and fees may utilize a school credit in the campus book store. If a student does not utilize the school credit, a refund will be sent directly to the student. A student can opt out of this credit by notifying the campus Financial Aid Office in writing.
In order for this to happen, the College must receive an electronic approval from the Department of Education. This happens 1-2 weeks after you complete the following steps: 1. Accept your offered loan on the student portal (, MySCCC). 2. First time borrowers at SCCC must complete Loan Entrance Counseling and sign a Master Promissory Note online at Instructions are available on our website. In addition, you must be: 1. in good academic standing and matriculated. 2. enrolled for at least six credits required in your current degree program. If you would like to check your status you may speak to a Financial Aid representative.
Your awards may change each year due to availability of funds or changes in eligibility criteria, family income, etc.
View Additional Information
View Additional Information
Yes, your original awards are based upon your projected enrollment. Changes in actual enrollment, including non-attendance or course drops/withdrawals, may reduce or cancel this aid offer. Also, if you drop/withdraw all courses before the 60% point your aid will be pro-rated based on the Return of Title IV calculation. This means that aid that had already been awarded and disbursed to you may need to be returned.
No, the federal government requires students to be enrolled for at least 6 credits in their degree program in order to obtain a student loan.
Yes, you can receive part-time TAP as a disabled student as long as we have sufficient documentation that you are disabled as defined by the Americans with Disabilities Act. For more information, please check with the Special Services Counselor at your home campus.
Each semester, your grades will be reviewed to see if you have met the satisfactory progress standards (see Maintaining Eligibility). If you lose your eligibility as a result of extenuating circumstances, you can appeal the decision through a waiver process. Also, if you totally withdraw during the semester, your aid will be proportionally reduced and funds may be returned to the Department of Education.
Maintaining Eligibility
Yes, continuing students will receive a renewal reminder email application by the first week in December. Also, you will receive a reminder to file your FAFSA from Suffolk County Community College via email.
As of 2017-18, the Department of Education requires students to use prior-prior year data. For example, for 2019-20 you will be entering data from your 2017 tax year.
Verification is the process whereby the Department of Education selects students randomly for colleges to check the validity of a student's FAFSA information. There are currently three verification tracking groups: V1, V4, and V5. If selected you will be asked for additional documents such as a Verification Form and Tax Return Transcripts for you and/or your parent(s). If married, we will need a Tax Return Transcript for you and your spouse.
The Questions and Answers on this page are for general informational purposes for Suffolk County Community College students and have not been approved by the IRS or the U.S. Treasury. This is not an official document and is not intended to provide income tax reporting advice. Please consult the IRS or a tax professional for answers to specific questions about your personal income tax return.
Current and prior year 1098-T forms are available via the Student Portal. Log into the Student Portal and select the “Students” tab. From the drop-down menu select “My Bill and Account Information”; click on the “Access Your 1098-T from Here.”
The 1098-T tax form is a Tuition Statement provided by higher education institutions to all eligible students who pay qualified tuition related expenses (including non-resident tuition) during the calendar year. The 1098-T form may be used by students or parents to claim education credits on their federal income tax returns. Specific information on the 1098-T form can be found at or by contacting the IRS at: 1-800-829-1040.
Federal regulations require students to furnish their Social Security Number (SSN) or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN) for federal reporting requirements. These requirements apply to any student, regardless of whether the student seeks or intends to seek tax credits. A student who does not provide their SSN or ITIN upon request by the educational institution may be subject to a fine imposed by the IRS.
Students who did not provide their Social Security Number or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number when they applied to Suffolk County Community College will find the “STUDENT’S social security number” field on their1098-T tax form blank. If you have a SSN or ITIN please complete Form W9-S and drop off your signed and dated form at any of the three campus Bursar's Offices. If you do not have a SSN/ITIN, please visit to determine which one you qualify for and how to apply for it. Once you’ve received your SSN/ITIN, please complete the W-9S form and return it to one of the three campus Bursar’s Offices.
The amount included in Box 1 includes all reportable payments for qualified tuition and related expenses (QTRE) received by Suffolk County Community College on behalf of the student. To assist you in determining the amount of QTRE paid for the calendar year, it is recommended that you download a copy of your billing statement for each relevant semester. Account statements are available via the Student Portal. Log on to the Student Portal (MySCCC) and select the “Students” tab. From the drop-down menu, select “Bill and Account Information”. Choose My Statement and Payment History from the My Bill and Statement section.
Fees not required for attendance at the College are not included in qualified expenses. These include but are not limited to placement and testing, traffic violations, ID cards, late fees, tuition payment plan enrollment fee, returned check charges, fines, emergency loans, administrative fees, transcript fees, insurance fees, and library fines.
Beginning with the 2018 tax year, Box 2 is no longer used.
Box 3 will be checked on the 2018 1098T to indicate the change in reporting amounts paid instead of amounts billed.
This box shows the amount of any tuition and fees reductions in the current calendar year for charges that were billed in a previous calendar year.
The figure in Box 5 - Scholarships or Grants includes scholarships, grants and, if applicable, payments made by a third party under a formal billing arrangement (i.e., outside scholarships, employer provided educational assistance, military, etc.) which have been administered by the College. If you received other forms of outside scholarships and grants not administered by Suffolk County Community College, it is your responsibility to adjust the figure accordingly. Third party payments do not include payments made by your parent, other individuals, or AmeriCorps.
No. Loans are not included on form 1098-T.
This box shows the amount of any scholarship, grant and, if applicable, third party reductions in the current calendar year for aid that was credited in a previous calendar year.
Box 7 will be checked if your qualified tuition expenses include charges for an academic period that begins after the end of the calendar year (that is, you made a payment for qualified tuition and related expenses in December for the following Spring semester).
Box 8 will not be checked if you were not enrolled for half-time status during an academic period during the calendar year. Suffolk County Community College checks this box if you were half-time or more for at least one term beginning during the year. This information might be important in determining certain tax credits.
Yes, the IRS requires institutions to file information returns to assist taxpayers and the IRS in determining the amount of qualified tuition and related expenses.
No. The form is an informational report to you, the primary purpose of the 10968-T is to inform you that Suffolk County Community College has provided the required information to the IRS to assist them in determining who may be eligible to claim the tuition and fee deduction or education credits. You should keep the Form 1098-T in your tax file as backup.
Current and prior year 1098-T forms are available via the Student Portal. Log on to the Student Portal (MySCCC) and select the “Students” tab. From the drop-down menu, select “Bill and Account Information”. Click on the “Access Your 1098-T from Here.” From the My Bill and Statement section.
To inquire about incorrect information on your 1098-T please contact Suffolk County Community College by one of the following methods: Telephone: (631) 451- 4580 Email:
Only the student. Federal rules do not allow the college to release information to others.
If you received College credit for a course taken in High School, you may receive a form 1098T from the College. Please consult the IRS or a tax professional to determine the tax implication of these expenses.
If you are an international student with 1098-T reportable transactions for the past year, you will be issued a 1098-T.
Please review IRS forms, instructions, and publications or consult a tax professional to determine your eligibility for a tax credit.
No. Payments made for books are not included in Box 1. Please consult the IRS or a tax professional to determine the tax implication of these expenses.
The College is not required to report charges for non-credit classes.
About SCCC has directions and maps to all campus locations.
Ammerman Campus
Michael J. Grant Campus
Eastern Campus
Approximately 15 scholarships are awarded each year to new and continuing students.
All students who apply for the GTFH Scholarship must apply annually for a FAFSA, even if they will not receive any financial aid.
The GTFH scholarship is offered in addition to financial aid and does not affect the amount of federal or state aid that you may receive. However, the amount of aid received will be taken into consideration when calculating the GTFH award amount.
The GTFH scholarship is offered in addition to outside scholarships.
Other SCCC scholarships are taken into consideration when calculating GTFH award amounts.
Preference will be given to students registered to attend SCCC full-time. At its discretion, the Foundation may elect to award a very limited number of scholarships to part-time students who exhibit outstanding potential.
As long as you meet all the other minimum requirements you may apply.
You must have completed any/all required developmental classes prior to being awarded the scholarship.
Although you won’t experience the full benefits of the program you can still apply.
Yes, you may apply; however, you will only be offered the maximum $6,500, even if you are required to pay out-of-state tuition.
Yes, but we will use the first two letters that we receive (one must be academic).
We only require high school transcripts from current high school students, as well as from those who have not yet attended college.
You are required to answer all three essay questions to have a complete application.
Any additional materials received will not be attached to your application.
You can explore opportunities with your local places of worship, libraries, hospitals, nursing homes, soup kitchens and animal shelters. Additionally, each College campus has a food pantry where you may volunteer your time each semester. If you would like to volunteer at one of the food pantries, please contact:
If you are a high school student, you may ask a counselor at your high school to submit your application for you from their professional email. You may also send it by mail to: Thomas Law, Get There From Here Scholarship, North Building, Suffolk County Community College, 533 College Rd., Selden, NY 11784
Your required volunteer hours at an approved agency/non-profit organization start the fall semester after you receive the scholarship.
The GTFH scholarship requires that its scholars be active at the College and in their communities. These requirements are closely monitored by the Foundation, and all recipients must fulfill all of them in order to maintain their scholarship.
In accordance with New York State Public Health Law section 2165, all students matriculated in a degree program who were born on or after January 1, 1957 must provide acceptable written proof of adequate immunization against measles, mumps, and rubella. The Certificate of Immunization outlines the exact requirements.
Certificate of Immunization
In order to register for classes, you must show at least partial compliance with immunization requirements, which is defined as one measles, one mumps, and one rubella vaccine. You will then be allowed to register and begin classes, but you must complete your immunization requirements within the first 30 days of the semester or you will be suspended from the college.
Basically, you have two choices. You can either get re-immunized or you can ask your doctor to do a titer (i.e., blood test) to determine if you have immunity to measles, mumps, or rubella. If any of your blood titer tests are negative, you must get the appropriate immunizations before you can register for classes.
A student with a permanent (blue) or temporary (red) municipal handicapped parking permit may legally park in any official handicapped parking space at the college. If you have a temporary disability or other medical condition that requires special parking arrangements, contact the Health Services Office on your home campus.
All medical bills resulting from an accident should be submitted with a completed claim form to AIG. Benefits payable under the Plan are payable on a primary basis; however the company will coordinate benefits with other health insurance coverage when duplicate coverage exists. You can obtain a claim form online:
Accident Insurance Claim Form
In accordance with New York State Public Health Law section 2167, all students enrolled at Suffolk County Community College, both matriculated and non-matriculated, are required to acknowledge that they have received information about meningococcal disease and vaccination. Students must indicate, on the Health History and Meningitis Acknowledgement form, either that they have received the meningitis vaccine within the past 10 years or that they have decided not to obtain the meningitis vaccine. All students who have received the vaccine must submit appropriate documentation of the vaccination.
Students should speak directly with their professor(s) regarding missed assignments and other course responsibilities. The Health Services office does not require a physician's note unless the absence was due to a communicable disease as determined by the New York State Department of Health. In such situations, medical clearance from a physician is required before a student may return to campus. For the safety of the campus community, we request that anyone displaying signs or symptoms of a potentially communicable disease remain off campus and seek care from a health practitioner.
Many international students who attend a community college plan to obtain an associate's degree and later transfer to a four-year institution to complete a bachelor's degree.
After submitting a complete F-1 application, the College will need approximately six to eight weeks to complete the admissions process and acceptance to the college.
After you are accepted to Suffolk, the International Student Counselor will prepare a SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20 A-B) and acceptance packet which will be delivered to you or your sponsor according to your instructions on the application for SEVIS Form I-20.
Review all the information on the SEVIS Form I-20 for accuracy; pay the I-901 fee for registration into the SEVIS system and set up an appointment for an F-1 student visa interview at a U.S. embassy or consulate.
An F-1 student visa can be issued up to 120 days in advance of your program start date. However, a student will not be allowed to enter the United States with an F-1 status no earlier than 30 days before the program start date as listed on the SEVIS Form I-20.
Inform the International Student Counselor at Suffolk that you are in the U.S., and make an appointment to see the counselor. Bring in the following documents at the time of the appointment: your passport/visa, SEVIS Form I-20, Form I-94, and immunization records.
Yes, students with an F-1 status can travel during a school break period. An authorizing signature from the International Student Counselor/DSO is required.
Many international students who attend a community college plan to obtain an associate's degree and later transfer to a 4 year institution to complete a bachelor's degree.
After submitting a complete F-1 application,the College will need approximately six to eight weeks to complete the admissions process and acceptance to the college.
After you are accepted to Suffolk, the International Student Counselor will prepare a SEVIS (Student and Exchange Visitor Information System) Certificate of Eligibility (Form I-20 A-B) and acceptance packet which will be delivered to you or your sponsor according to your instructions on the application for SEVIS Form I-20.
Review all the information on the SEVIS Form I-20 for accuracy.
Yes, students with an F-1 status can travel during a school break period. An authorizing signature from the International Student Counselor/DSO is required.
The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal advice and representation to Suffolk County Community College which includes the Board of Trustees, Administrators, Faculty and Staff in their official capacities.
The Office of Legal Affairs is responsible for providing a full range of services to the College in a variety of practice areas. Some of those areas include labor and employment, business matters, contract review, litigation, environmental, copyright, property acquisition and student and faculty issues.
No. The Office of Legal Affairs provides legal advice and representation related to College business only.
No. Only the Office of Legal Affairs can retain outside counsel.
The President, Executive Vice President and certain other senior officers are authorized to sign on behalf of the College. Contact the Office of Legal Affairs if you have questions as to whom should sign a particular document.
Generally yes, as long as you are acting in good faith and in the scope of your employment.
You should refuse to accept these documents and refer the person to the Office of Legal Affairs. You should then call the Office of Legal Affairs at (631) 451-4235 to alert us that someone is coming over with legal documents. If you receive a summons or subpoena in the mail, or mistakenly accept one from a process server, please contact the Office of Legal Affairs immediately. Note that a delay in responding to these documents could have serious legal consequences for the College.
A member of the Office of Legal Affairs may accept properly made service of process on behalf of the College or the Board of Trustees. However, if a member of the College community is being sued in his/her personal capacity, typically that individual must be served personally unless you authorize the Office of Legal Affairs to accept service on your behalf.
You should immediately fax all legal correspondence relating to the College to the Office of Legal Affairs at (631) 451-4974 and hand deliver or interoffice the original.
Federal law and College policy governs the confidentiality of student records. Do not respond to any request for student records without speaking first to a representative in the Office of Legal Affairs or the College Registrar.
Both music majors and non-majors are welcome to join the orchestra and is also open to community members. It rehearses Monday and Wednesday afternoons from 4:00 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. in the Southampton Building, Room 20. Rehearsals are also open to the public.
For audition requirements or for more information about the ensemble contact Professor Zamek. For audition requirements or . The Ensemble is composed of students drawn from the SCCC student body of all three campuses (both music majors and non-majors). The Jazz Ensemble also welcomes the participation of community members and faculty. Auditions are required for all members and are held during the first week of classes. The SCCC Jazz Ensemble has a maximum enrollment of 23 members broken down as follows: Five Saxophones, Five Trumpets, and Five Trombones; plus a Rhythm Section comprised of a maximum of two each on Piano, Guitar, Bass, and Drums.
Members of the College Choir are also welcome to join the Gospel Choir (MU62). No audition is required to join this ensemble. Contact Director: Pastor Byron Preston Office: Southampton Building Room 11, Ammerman Campus Telephone: (631) 451-4346
SCCC Symphonic Band is an ensemble that includes woodwind, brass, and percussion instruments. Its players are drawn from the SCCC student body of all three campuses (both music majors and non-majors). The Symphonic Band also welcomes the participation of community members and faculty. contact Professor Brian Zamek, at 451-4968
All students interested in pursuing a career in music are welcome to enroll in our program. Before registering students must take a music theory placement exam. Students will then be placed into appropriate classes to start the program. Please call the Music Department office, 451-4346, to schedule your placement exam and enroll in the program!
MySCCC is the college's student portal. It can be accessed by selecting the MySCCC link from the top of the College homepage. MySCCC is the College's primary point of access for information and services. In MySCCC you are able to receive important announcements; access your student email account; access information such as your schedule, grades, course descriptions, holds and degree status; and perform many interactive functions, such as registering for classes, updating personal information and performing degree audits. If you have never logged into MySCCC, select the “Create a Username and Password” link from the MySCCC login page.
MySCCC operates 24/7/365s by 7 days. Individual services within MySCCC may be occasionally unavailable for short periods of time between midnight and 7:00 a.m. for maintenance and upgrades.

NOTE: During the bill payment & descheduling periods, MySCCC will close WebPay and Registration at 10 p.m. each evening.
Email accounts are provided to SCCC students currently enrolled in credit classes. Accounts will be active while the student is enrolled at SCCC. Students can access their email accounts through MySCCC. The college expects students to regularly access the MySCCC portal and maintain their college email account. Students are responsible for the information displayed in the portal and/or sent to their college email account.
The My SCCC login procedure is enhanced to protect your information. If you are having trouble logging inhave logged in to MySCCC with your Student ID# and PIN, and have not yet used your new Username and Password, please log in with the Student ID# (for Username) and PIN (for Password) you've been using. If you have never logged into MySCCC, select the “Create a Username and Password” link from the MySCCC login page and follow the directions. If you are a current user, select the “Having problems logging in?” link from the MySCCC login page to check the status of your account and to view the password reset options.
The problem may be a setting on your internet browser which is blocking cookies. You will have to adjust the setting to accept cookies.
Once logged into MySCCC you will be viewing the Home tab. Quick Links for Students, on the left side of the page, contains a link "View Final Grades". Click this link. As grades are posted, they will be displayed.
Student passwords for access to MySCCC are personal information and must follow guidelines created to help insure security. When creating or changing passwords: 1. Think of a password which contains both letters and numbers. 2. Make the password at least 8 characters long and does not contain your first or last name. 3. Make at least one of the letters upper-case. Make sure that some are still lower case letters. Remember that you cannot change your password to one you have previously used. Optional: For a more secure password, include one or more of these characters: = - # % ^ *
That depends on you and the number of tests you are required to complete. The Computerized Placement Test (CPT) involves reading, sentence skills, arithmetic and elementary algebra. You work at your own pace. The entire test takes 1.5-2 hours.
Taking the test will not be a problem. The CPT is user friendly and there is always a person in the testing center to answer questions and provide assistance.
You must bring photo I.D.. Scrap paper and pencils will be provided. No calculators or dictionaries are allowed.
Yes, this is an adaptive test. This means that the computer chooses questions for you on the basis of your answers to previous ones. Therefore, you must answer every question when it is first given. You cannot omit a question or return to it later.
It is important to remember that testing is required because we want you to be successful. In order for this to happen, you must have the skills needed for college level classes; otherwise you may not be able to keep up with the required work. If you are placed into developmental courses such as Reading 098 or 099, English 009 or 010, or Math 001, 006 or 007, you will need to complete each class before moving on to the next one. If you are required to take developmental courses in two or more areas (i.e., English, reading, and/or math), you will only be allowed to take up to 14.5 credits each semester.
If you do well, you will place out of developmental courses and be able to take all college-level courses. Students who do extremely well are encouraged to apply to the Honors Program or take some Honors courses.
Your home campus Registrar's Office.
To change your name, address, telephone number, curriculum or Social Security Number, complete the Records Change Form and bring to your campus Registrar's Office.
Course descriptions are available in the College Catalog or Catalog Supplement, or can be found through Programs of Study.
Course Search
You are encouraged to discuss your degree requirements with your academic advisor or counselor. After you file the application for graduation, the Central Records Office will conduct a final evaluation of your transcript.
Enrollment-related forms are available on this page or in the campus Registrar's Office
Registrar Services
You should arrange to have official transcripts from prior institutions forwarded to the Central Admissions Office. For an unofficial determination of how your credit might transfer to Suffolk, see the Transfer Evaluations Tables.
Transfer Evaluations Tables
Yes. Although you must designate one campus as your home campus, you are free to register and attend classes at any of our three campuses. Credits accumulated at any of our campuses will be reflected on your Suffolk County Community College transcript.

Sufficient time for travel must be considered when registering for classes on multiple campuses. For example, 40 minutes from Grant and Ammerman or East and Ammerman, and one hour between Grant and East.
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act is a federal mandate that insures the privacy of, and your right to inspect, your student records. Additional information is available through the Notice of Student Privacy Rights.
To officially withdraw from courses, fill out the course withdrawal form below and return it to any campus Registrar's Office. Note: Failure to attend classes or informing the instructor of withdrawal is not an official withdrawal. If withdrawing from all courses and receiving financial aid, you must see a Financial Aid counselor.
The college will place a hold on your records and/or registration because of money owed, incomplete immunization records, academic standing or public safety violations. Access View Holds in MySCCC to see your holds and the appropriate office(s) to contact.
The redesign of the academic calendar occurred for two primary reasons. First, the College is conscious of the many religious holidays and needs to treat all religious observations equitably. Second, many of the currently observed holidays do not fall on the same date every year, making it difficult to create a calendar that is consistent, efficient, and predictable, especially during the fall semester. For these reasons, discussion of a secular calendar began. The recommended changes allow for a calendar grounded in our mission as an academic institution by supporting equitable observation of all religious holidays, while also reducing conversion days, minimizing disruptions to class schedules, and facilitating the scheduling of all required class meetings.
The calendar committee consists of representatives from the Registrar's Office, Student Affairs, Academic Affairs, the Faculty Association, and Faculty Governance, with representation from all three campuses. The committee reviewed peer institutions (local, statewide, private, and public) and considered county, state, and federal mandated holidays in the process. The committee then presented a recommendation to the President, Governance, the Board of Trustees, and the college community.
Nearly all SUNY Campuses (two-year and four-year) do not observe religious holidays with the cancellation of classes. These colleges and universities have policies that ensure anyone observing religious holidays can do so without penalty or consequence. Suffolk County Community College has elected to follow this model.
Suffolk County Community College is a public institution, part of the State University of New York, and as a State institution, ensures equal treatment of all religious observations that fall during an academic semester.
Neither the government of New York State, nor that of Suffolk County, closes on religious holidays other than Christmas. The State of New York and Suffolk County identify official holidays on their websites:
Legal Holidays for State Employees
Suffolk County Clerk Holiday Schedule
Any student or college employee (faculty, staff etc.) who wishes to observe a religious holiday should refer to the Suffolk County Community College policy that addresses the proper procedures to follow.
Student absences from class necessitated by religious observance will be deemed an excused absence, with no negative academic consequences. Observing students will be provided the opportunity to make up any missed assignments or exams within a reasonable amount of time of the religious observance. Absences due to religious observance will not count as a class absence or lateness.
Christmas and New Year's Day fall between the fall and spring semesters, so naturally there are no classes held on either of those days. Furthermore, Christmas is a legal holiday observed by Suffolk County and the State of New York.
On average, there are more than five religious holidays each month. Some months have more than ten religious holidays. If we were to cancel classes for all of these religious holidays, it would be impossible to honor our academic mission and preserve academic integrity. Suffolk County Community College has always been respectful of all religions, and we embrace and celebrate our diversity. We also must meet state requirements and provide instruction in the most efficient, effective and beneficial manner for all of our students.
Authorized college personnel will only use the NY-Alert system for urgent communications, emergency messages, and post-incident follow-up.

Alert notifications will be sent for emergency events or “life threatening” situations, emergency protective actions, warnings and post-incident information. Advisory notifications will also be issued for non-emergencies, such as weather-related closures or cancellations.

Your membership enrolls you in the NY State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) messaging system. As a result, you will receive notifications of emergencies from the state, directed to Suffolk and Nassau Counties.
College messages are sent by authorized College officials. NY-Alert messages to Suffolk and Nassau Counties are sent by the NY State Emergency Management Office (SEMO).
Your membership in the college system also enrolls you in the NY State Emergency Management Office (SEMO) messaging system. As a result, you will receive any notifications from the state, directed to Suffolk and Nassau Counties.
The information provided will only be used for NY-Alert delivery and maintenance system privacy statement listed below:
Emergency Alert System Privacy Statement
No, however, if you receive a text message from the NY-Alert service, in most cases, you will not be charged for the text message.
Yes, however, if you choose not to participate, you will not receive direct notification of an alert from the college.
NY-Alert requires that you include at least a primary e mail address.
No, college internal systems will be used to send alerts to college telephones.
System participation, along with contact information, may be updated in your account by clicking on the MySCCC link in the upper right section of the portal header.
Contact information may be updated in your portal account by clicking on MySCCC in the upper right section of the portal header.
College information is normally sent to SUNY each Friday. SUNY normally posts updates to NY-Alert each Monday.
NY-Alert will not leave a message on voicemail. However, if you see a call from "New York Alert" or "New York SEMO" on your missed calls list, you may call 518-292-6634 to retrieve the message. Upon connection, you will be instructed to enter the number where you received the call. The system will verify the number and instruct you to hang up so that the system can call back with the message. Only the latest message will be available for a re-call.
NY-Alert will send messages to every contact option you submitted (email address(es), fax(es), text messaging and telephone numbers you used on a regular basis), based upon contact methods selected by the College for the notice.

Depending upon the incident, the College may choose to implement all contact methods or only select individual channels.

Please note, that in situations such as class cancellation or campus closings, you may receive notices as early as 5 a.m.
Caller ID for telephone calls from the system will be "New York Alert" or "New York SEMO" with a telephone number of 518-292-6634.
If a telephone number is listed multiple times for multiple enrollees, the system will call that specific number up to 3 times.
Call-Back Option – "You may call back at 518-292-6634 to retrieve the message." The enrollee will be instructed to enter the telephone number in which they received the message.

The system will verify the number and instruct the enrollee to hang up so that the system can call them back with the message. Only the latest message will be available for a recall.
In most cases No. The partner colleges have set the minimum cumulative GPA of 3.75 for SoLII and 3.7 for the NYSPT scholarship. However, you should contact your campus SoLII/NYSPT scholarship representative, as occasionally certain partner colleges are willing to offer a scholarship to an outstanding student who does not quite make the GPA cutoff.
Maybe. While most of the full-tuition awards are made to spring graduates, a number of the colleges will make full-tuition awards to fall graduates who will matriculate in the spring. Check each college's partner page on our site for awards being offered. Currently, there are no scholarships offered to students graduating in the Winter or Summer. However, if you have graduated within the past academic year, you are welcome to apply for the fall or spring scholarships as long as you haven't attended any four-year school in the interim.
Yes. A part-time student at SCCC is eligible if he/she is planning to attend the partner college as a full-time student.
Maybe. If you are planning on taking all of your classes online or plan to enroll in an online curriculum, you are not eligible. Our partner colleges expect the scholarship recipients to be active students on campus. However, you may be able to take a class or two online, as long as the majority of your classes are on campus.
Depending on the college, the scholarships will last from two to three years. Check each college's partner page for the length of the award, minimum GPA, and any additional requirements that must be met for the award to be renewed.
No. The Stay on Long Island Initiative and the New York State Presidential Transfer scholarships reward the tenacity of degree completion and are awarded only to graduates of Suffolk County Community College.
No, You do not have to file a FAFSA in order to apply for the SoLII and/or NYSPT scholarships. However, certain partner schools require students to fill out a FAFSA for admission, or before being selected to receive the SoLII/NYSPT scholarship. Check each college's partner page for specific requirements.
International students who are eligible to apply for federal or state financial aid are welcome and encouraged to participate in the SoLII application process.
Your first letter must be from someone employed by Suffolk County Community College (preferably a professor). The second letter can come from anyone else: another professor, club advisor, internship supervisor, or supervisor/employer who can write about your accomplishments either inside or outside of the classroom.
Recommendations should be emailed to SoLII scholarship and/or NYSPT scholarship. If you are applying to both scholarships, your recommenders must send the letters to BOTH email addresses. Additionally, emails from SCCC employees must be emailed from their faculty email account to the SoLII and/or NYSPT scholarship email account(s). If you are requesting a recommendation from someone other than a SCCC employee, that person must email the recommendation from his or her official organization email account. Emails from yahoo, hotmail, gmail, etc. will not be accepted. If your recommender does not have an official email address, please contact your SoLII/NYSPTS campus liaison for further directions.
Yes. However, only the first two letters received will be attached to your application. All subsequent letters will not be reviewed.
No. Your essay(s) on which college(s) you want to apply to will be used to rank your application for each specific college. If you are a finalist, your application will be formatted so that the partner colleges will not be sent essays about colleges other than their own.
Campus committees review all applications and send forward semi-finalists to the SCCC President. The president then selects three finalists for each award to send to the SoLII and NYSPTS partner colleges for final consideration.
No, the federal government requires students to be enrolled for at least 6 credits in their degree program in order to obtain a student loan.
New York State limits TAP funds for undergraduate students. Students may only receive TAP for the equivalent of 8 full time semesters. If you use TAP for the summer at a low-cost school like Suffolk, that will reduce your eligibility when and if you transfer on to complete a four-year degree, where your need for financial aid is often greater. At Suffolk you are entitled to 6 full time semesters of TAP aid.
The first thing to do is talk to your supervisor to see if they need help over the summer and would like you to return. If that is a yes, you can return to that position but first you must have completed the FAFSA. When the information is downloaded to our database, it will be reviewed to determine whether or not you are eligible to work in the summer. If you are eligible, you will receive a letter from us stating that you may begin working. If you haven't heard from us please feel free to come in or call us.
No, unfortunately. Both of those programs have limited funds so we only process awards for the Fall and Spring semesters.
No, financial aid can only be used to pay for books in the bookstore during the Fall and Spring semesters. You will be responsible for paying for your own books and supplies for summer session.
Students who do not meet the federal and/or state academic progress standards will receive a "block" which means they have lost their financial aid eligibility. Often, this block is not posted until after you have been tentatively packaged. You can lose financial aid that was already awarded. In some cases, students may appeal and have the aid reinstated. For details, visit your campus financial aid office.
Generally speaking, credits from Suffolk are accepted for transfer credit at virtually every accredited four-year college in the United States. However, the specific number of transfer credits you receive will depend on many factors, including whether or not you've completed a degree, whether you were enrolled in a transfer program (i.e., AA or AS) or a career program (i.e., AAS), and, perhaps most importantly, the particular college and program you are planning to transfer into. The only way to be certain is to contact the transfer college, review the transfer guide, and request a transfer evaluation of your specific courses or program from Suffolk.
Absolutely. Completing your degree will usually increase your chances of being accepted to your program of choice at your preferred four-year college. Also, it often means that you will be able to receive credit for satisfying all freshman and sophomore core requirements while maximizing transfer credits in other ways as well. For example, courses with a grade of D will generally be accepted for transfer credit only if they are part of a completed degree program. Finally, completing your degree will give you a sense of closure and accomplishment for your hard work at Suffolk while enhancing your eligibility for job opportunities and transfer scholarships.
Most of this information is available in application guidebooks or college search guides available at your campus Counseling Center.
To connect to the wireless network, you will need: A laptop or other device equipped with built-in wireless networking or a wireless network card.
You can connect to the SCCC wireless network with either a Windows-based or Macintosh computer. Compatible Macintosh Operating Systems: • Mac OS 9.x • Mac OS X.x Compatible Windows Operating Systems: • Windows 95 • Windows 98 and 98SE • Windows NT 4.0 • Windows 2000 • Windows XP
Wireless access has been set up on all three campuses. To establish wireless connectivity, sign on to your MySCCC portal account and click on the link REGISTER FOR ON-CAMPUS WIRELESS NETWORK ACCESS, which appears on the home tab in the lower right side channel. You will need to enter your I.D. Number, Operating system, and the MAC address.
MySCCC Portal
At the start of every semester.
SCCC uses MAC authentication to ensure that only registered users may use the wireless network. However, please be aware that the wireless access network does not contain any special security systems preventing virus or worm propagation. As such, individuals need to be running a current virus protection package on their equipment and needs to be up to date with operating system and application patches. The college is not responsible for any damage to equipment that may occur while connecting to the college network. Please use discretion to safeguard personal information.
Yes. You may use any 802.11b or 802.11g compatible card.
No. You must be a current student or employee of SCCC to use the wireless network. You must register your device through your MySCCC portal account and have an activated college email address.
You can check your network connectivity status by looking at the Status and Activity indicators on the wireless PC Card Antenna. The status light will blink when a connection is made. The Activity light will blink when data is transmitted. If you have built-in wireless technology or if the network card does not have an antenna, check the properties tab of your network control panel.
Yes, any 802.11b or g compatible device may be used on the SCCC wireless network, providing the registration sheet has been filled out with the appropriate information. PDA users need to manually enter the SSID for connectivity.
Please see the Coverage Map link below. We will periodically be adding coverage areas in stages. The coverage map will reflect any such changes. You may find that access to the wireless network extends outside the physical building. However, no guarantee of outside coverage. In addition, please be aware that the wireless access network is not a guaranteed service and neither bandwidth or availability is assured, even in the coverage locations listed.
Wireless map1
Wireless map
IF the laptop does not have an onboard wireless card you will need to purchase a wireless card that is 802.11b or 802.11g compliant.
Compatible wireless cards can be purchased anywhere technology peripherals or computer parts are marketed.
Yes, However like a PDA, you must manually enter the SSID in the appropriate place.
Click on the Service Request link below to report your problem and the location where it occurred. Please include the MAC address of your wireless device to verify that it is valid.
If you have done the initial troubleshooting from the previous step and are still having difficulties, the campus Academic Computing Centers are an available resource. The Ammerman campus center is located on the lower level of the Library. The Grant campus center is located in the Sagtikos Building in the Library. The Eastern campus center is located in Room 237A of the Orient Building.
Academic Computing Centers
You can verify your registration is complete by clicking on the wireless registration device page (available soon) through your portal account. You may also call 451-HELP (4357) of visit any Academic Computer Center during normal working hours.
To find this information in Windows based devices 1. Single left click on Start button 2. Single left click on Run 3. Type cmd and hit the return key or left click on ok 4. In window that will appear type ipconfig/all 5. Look for wireless adapter heading; under that heading you will see physical address (a.k.a. MAC address);i.e. 00-01-A0-B0-00-01 THIS IS JUST AN EXAMPLE 6. Enter it in the text box on the application form.
It is SCCC-Public. The name was changed to this title during the Spring 2006 semester. Previously the name was test.